Get Involved

Ways To Get Involved

Everyone wants to get involved. Yes, we know that’s why at SAGOBA we let you discover unique opportunities to do so, at your pace and above all voluntarily. Whether you are an alumnus or want to be a partner, we want you to be part of our activities. In our commitment towards the Millennium Goals, we provide you with the “Ways To Get Involved” so that we can walk together as One Community, One World.


There is a lot of untapped potential in each one of us. SAGOBA has several groups working on different activities. Join a SAGOBA Work-Team (SWT) or SAGOBA Project Team (SPT) and unleash your potential.

The SWT performs regular, periodic or recurrent activities of the association. Example of SWT activity may include welcoming Form 1’s at the school, participating in prize-giving ceremony, representing SAGOBA at Board of Management (BOM) and/or Parents-Teachers’ meetings, etc. Depending on the needs, there may be, at a particular time, several SWTs to perform the required duties. Participation in one or more of the SWTs is voluntary but highly considered by SAGOBA as your humble way of “Giving-Back” to the society. Each SWT has a lead contact person as well as a short description of the nature of the work.

The SPT has a specific mandate guided by the project purpose and delivery timeline. Example of SPT activity may include construction of a library, developing the SAGOBA website, fundraising event, etc. These are projects that have a fixed operational timeframe culminating into a specific deliverable. Once the project is completed, the SPT is disbanded. Depending on the needs, there may be, at a particular time, several SPTs to undertake various projects. Participation in one or more of the SPTs is voluntary but highly considered by SAGOBA as your humble way of “Giving-Back” to the society. Each SPT has a lead contact person as well as a short description of the nature of the project.
Join any of the SWT/SPT and provide your expertise. We need you because you are part of us.

The following are the current SWT/SPT activities;


No.Activity nameTypePurposeFrom dateTo dateLead/Contact

SAGOBA website project

(phase 1)

SPTDevelop websiteOctober ‘22March ‘23

Dr. Julius Tsuwi


+254 704 94 23 79


SAGOBA website

(phase 2)

SWTManage websiteMarch ‘23

Dr. Julius Tsuwi


+254 704 94 23 79

3Patron Saint/Open DaySWTCommemoration with Teachers and Students22 Aprilrepeats annuallyxxxx
4Thanks-/Prize-givingSWTPrize-givingxxxrepeats annuallyxxxx
5Funeral Policy and ExecutionSWTManage Funeral Policy  xxxx
6SAGOBA MultimediaSWTMedia coverage of SAGOBA activitiesOn-goingOn-goingxxxx
7SAGOBA Constitution and By-LawsSPTRevise/update the constitutionOctober ‘23June ‘24

Mr. Ezekiel Wanje;

+254 xxx xx xx xx

8SAGOBA Education Foundation “Uwezo”SPTEstablish “Uwezo”January ‘24December ‘24

Mr. Michael Menza;

+254 xxx xx xx xx


Attend Events

Discover events happening at St. George’s or in your area where SAGOBA is either organizing one of its activities or participating as a partner. Such events are an opportunity to network and meet your old friends.

Some of our past events

Lead/Contact:; +254 xxx xx xx xx; LinkedIn: xxxxx; Facebook:xxxx; Twitter:xxxx


You want to participate in a one-time activity? Are you planning a vacation and would like to spend a few days volunteering at the St. George’s or in other SAGOBA activities? We recognize that not all people are available at all times, and also be present physically when the activities take place. SAGOBA strives to ensure that everyone who want to volunteer gets the opportunity to do so. You have your volunteer place reserved for you. Fill in the “Request to Volunteer” Online form and submit it. Important is that you provide your contact details and the period when you will be available. You will be contacted back. You can also contact SAGOBA via the contact details.

Lead/Contact:; +254 xxx xx xx xx; LinkedIn: xxxxx; Facebook:xxxx; Twitter:xxxx



Mentorship has been around since antiquity. You have perhaps guided someone, e.g., your brother, sister, cousin, etc. to solve an issue. As a professional, entrepreneur, a professor, a community leader or a security expert, you have a lot of experience to share with others and support them walk your path. You can provide mentorship to students at St. George’s or give a mentorship seminar to SAGOBA members. Whether a virtual or an in-attendance event, SAGOBA facilitates the realization of such an important event. For further details, please contact SAGOBA.

Lead/Contact:; +254 xxx xx xx xx; LinkedIn: xxxxx; Facebook:xxxx; Twitter:xxxx


Many students at St. George’s are from family backgrounds that are financially not able to pay for the students’ school fees and provide money for upkeep. The impact of such a recurrent situation is that students either drop out of school or continue schooling but psychologically disturbed, or complete schooling but not allowed to get their KCSE results due to pending fees. As one of the core values of the association is academic excellence, SAGOBA is constantly looking for sponsors, whether as individuals or organization(s), companies, or government agencies, to support the St. George’s needy students and/or the school as whole. You can sponsor in the following ways;

  • paying school fees for one or more students;
  • providing sustainable resources;
    • learning materials: books, lab equipment, computers, etc.
    • materials for social activities: games, clubs and societies, etc.
    • boarding materials: beds, kitchen, etc.
    • water, energy and sanitary services
    • security services
    • Internet services
  • Infrastructure development

As a “thank you” gesture from SAGOBA, we list you and/or your organization on the SAGOBA website as one of our valued contributors. For further details, please contact SAGOBA.

Lead/Contact:; +254 xxx xx xx xx; LinkedIn: xxxxx; Facebook:xxxx; Twitter:xxxx


One of the straight-forward ways to get involved is to become a member and meet your financial obligations (membership fees and annual contributions) promptly. That sign of “patriotism” enables SAGOBA to meet its set objectives within the planned time frame(s). For further details, please contact SAGOBA.

Lead/Contact:; +254 xxx xx xx xx; LinkedIn: xxxxx; Facebook:xxxx; Twitter:xxxx


If you prefer to make a short time financial commitment, please donate to support a specific St. George’s high school project or to support SAGOBA activities. All donations will be acknowledged. Thank you in anticipation. For further details, please contact SAGOBA.

Lead/Contact:; +254 xxx xx xx xx; LinkedIn: xxxxx; Facebook:xxxx; Twitter:xxxx

Follow Us

We are digital! Follow us on social media network. We post our activities and we value your feedback as much as your proposal. Your likes give us confident that we are on the right path and we are delivering our mandate.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

- Winston Churchill