What We Do

There are several overarching principles on what alumni associations are expected to offer their members. At SAGOBA, we value
achievable goals based on the membership participation, available resources and practical capabilities. With this in mind, we have
nominated (but certainly not limited to) a few activities that broadly constitute “What We Do”

Networking Opportunities

The SAGOBA network connects you, as a St. Georgian, with a number of professional contacts and other former students of the school. Through networking, you participate in and benefit from career insights and advice from other alumni and career professionals.

This may be in creating business connections or academic career advancement or employment opportunities or perhaps meeting colleagues in the same profession and discussing on how to develop a collective approach to community issues. We strive to offer the networking opportunities whether via virtual networking events, social media platforms, or organizing in-person events.

Mentorship programs for students at the school

We exist as an association because of St. Georges High School. It is one of the core values of the association to support the academic excellence of the school. The association therefore organizes activities, together with the school, that enable students, teachers and mentors to interact regularly, whether on a one-to-one basis or one-to-many basis or in some cases build service projects together with students that benefit the school and community at large. SAGOBA has a tradition of welcoming Form 1 students as well as recognizing and honouring best performing students annually.

Career Services

We strive to offer career support for new members and long-time alumni. This helps members choose a career path, transition into a new field, and explore other career opportunities. We partner with other organizations to provide career coaching and hosts professional development events to help alumni advance their careers.


An essential part of our association is volunteering. Those small acts of showing support for the community you have become a part of can be the beginning of a success story for new students. Members of SAGOBA visit the school at least twice annually to assist with the school activities, be it welcoming Form 1 students or prize-giving day. We want to do more! We want to establish an annual fund campaign for student scholarships or infrastructure development or simply accompanying the students' sports/drama/music team to the next competition.

Social events and community participation

We pride ourselves with a strong support social network of members. In times of grief and bereavement of the family of a member, SAGOBA members have always spontaneously and voluntarily raised funds to assist the bereaved family. Such events and occasions help alumni association strengthen its validity and its relevance both to the members and the community. The association is looking to extending this social responsibility to assist during other events like weddings, anniversaries, reunions, public recognition of its members, etc. We are not just an alumni, we are a family.

Give Back

The pride of each alumnus is to have the opportunity to “Give-back” to his alma mater. At SAGOBA we link up all St. Georgians with the school so as to support needy students, donate awards for prize-giving day, provide academic materials and equipment for learning, technical and professional assistance, develop infrastructure, and many more. SAGOBA needs your support. It is envisaged in the near future to create a Fund dedicated for the school.