Who We Are

SAGOBA, is acronym for SAINT GEORGE’S HIGH SCHOOL OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION. SAGOBA is a not-for profit alumni organization providing a forum where old boys of St. George’s high school Giriama work together for the benefit of their alma mater but as well as their own development and the development of the community at large.

SAGOBA is a non-political and non-religious association. Any political and/or religious activities, affiliations and engagements by any SAGOBA member remains solely the responsibility of the member(s) concerned and do not, in any way, represent the position or view of the association.

our Vision

To see St. George’s high school Giriama (hereafter referred simply as “St. George’s”) become an institution of academic excellence as well as create networking opportunities among members of the association.

our Mission

We enrich the school’s impact by serving as an independent gateway for alums to network and give back to the community.

Our History

One Community, One World.

From the very beginning in mid-1950’s, graduates of St. George’s have wanted to stay connected to their esteemed alma mater and each other. Initially founded as an intermediate school, students never had sufficient time to develop common interests since they moved on to other schools after form 2 to complete their senior schooling.

Initial ideas of forming an association started in the mid 1970’s after the school was elevated into a full-fledged high school offering forms 1 to 4 schooling. Between 1975 and 1980, a few students who graduated from the school formed an alumni group, however the group was not fully registered with the local authorities.

On xx.xx.1990, SAGOBA was founded, initially by a group of xx students. The membership has grown steadily every year and today we boast of a membership of more than 500+ residing and working across all 47 Counties in Kenya as well as abroad in several continents.